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Key outcomes from the 28 November 2019 Seacare Authority meeting (News)

The Seacare Authority met in Canberra on 28 November 2019. The key outcomes of the meeting are set out below.

Strategic risk management

The risk that the scheme may become unviable is a key strategic risk for the Seacare Authority and is currently considered and discussed at each of its regular meetings.

Members considered progress against actions to ensure the ongoing viability of the scheme.

Exemptions from the Seacare scheme

The Seacare Authority has convened a working group, to consider whether its approach to exemptions, including the factors for exemptions, are appropriate. The Seacare Authority noted the potential for changes to the factors of exemption to impact on employers and that a program of consultation will be progressed.

The Seacare Authority also agreed to renew the existing multiple vessel exemptions of own motion.

The Seacare Code of Practice (Code)

The Seacare Authority discussed technical issues with the Code which have been raised by scheme stakeholders and agreed to reconvene the Seacare Code of Practice Working Group to identify matters which are presenting or may present significant difficulty in implementation and any recommendations for amendment to the Code.

Mental Health Strategy for the Seacare scheme

The Seacare Authority agreed to progress implementation of its Mental Health Strategy to address the risk of maritime industry workers experiencing poor mental health due to nature of the industry-specific operating conditions. Phase One of the strategy is expected to be complete in early 2020.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Seacare Authority will be held in Canberra on 12 March 2020.

Page last reviewed: 17 December 2019
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Date printed 22 Oct 2024