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Governance and accountability

We are required by the Australian Government to adhere to relevant legislation and to report on certain activities.

Our annual report informs the Parliament, our partners, interested parties and the public about our activities and how we are performing.

The corporate plan sets the purpose and strategic priorities for the Seacare Authority over the coming years.

As an Australian Government agency, the Seacare Authority must publish certain information about freedom of information requests in a disclosure log.

The Seacare Authority publishes an indexed list of its files every six months, in line with the Senate Order.

Information we publish as part of our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

An assessment of the potential impact a project may have on an individual's privacy.

In line with the Senate Order for Entity Contracts, Seacare Authority is required to publish twice a year on its website a list of all current contracts with a value of $100,000 or more.

The Seacare Authority reports on gifts and benefits as part of Australian Public Service Commission guidelines for Australian Government agencies.

Statements of compliance published under the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework

The Statement of Intent outlines how Seacare will meet the expectations outlined by the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations under the Seafarers Act in the Ministerial Statement of Expectations of 27 March 2024.

Mental health
resource centre
Access supports and guidance if you or someone you know has mental health concerns.

Find out how to support yourself and others.

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 22 Oct 2024