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Key outcomes from the 25 November 2021 Seacare Authority meeting

The Seacare Authority met via videoconference on 25 November 2021. The key outcomes of the meeting are set out in this news item.

COVID-19 impacts on the maritime industry

Members noted the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular on the physical safety and mental health and wellbeing of seafarers and the operations of the industry itself. Members welcomed news of the easing of restrictions while noting the complexity of current arrangements.

Recommendation to increase the levy rate

The Seacare Authority determined that an increase to the levy amount from $50 to $65 per berth, was necessary due to the need to continue to maintain the viability of the Seafarers Safety Net Fund (the Fund) particularly given the significant likelihood that from 1 April 2022 insurance for the Fund will only be available at a much higher premium or may not be available at all.

In making this decision, Members gave due consideration to its likely impacts.

The Seacare Authority will be writing to the Minister for Industrial Relations to recommend the increase to the levy rate. The levy rate is, itself, set through a legislative instrument, which is subject to Ministerial approval.

Revised s20A exemption form

Members noted and agreed to the revisions of the s20A exemption application form, and that this presented a more logical flow for applicants. The updated form will be published via the Seacare Authority website during December 2021.

Seacare Authority Scheme Data Report

The Seacare Authority endorsed its Scheme Data Report for 2020-21. The Scheme Data Report will be published via the Seacare Authority website during December 2021.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Seacare Authority will be held on 17 March 2022.

Page last reviewed: 13 December 2021
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Date printed 22 Oct 2024