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Key outcomes from the 8 September 2022 Seacare Authority meeting

1 November 2022

The Seacare Authority met via videoconference on 8 September 2022. The key outcomes of the meeting are set out in this news item.

Seacare scheme matters

The Seacare Authority considered ongoing issues relating to scheme viability, coverage and the insurance market for scheme employers under the Seafarers Act.

Members noted an update from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations on the review of the Seacare scheme and welcomed the opportunity to consider the final report on its release.

Strategic risk management

The Seacare Authority considers its strategic risk register at each of its regular meetings, with a particular focus on the risk that the scheme may become unviable.

Members considered the impact of the insurance issues on the viability of the scheme, progress against actions taken to ensure the continued viability of the scheme and noted that it will continue to work with stakeholders on mitigation strategies.

Seacare Authority OHS Plan 2022–23 to 2025–26

The Seacare Authority Occupational Health and Safety Plan for 2022–23 to 2025–26 was considered and endorsed by the Seacare Authority. This plan outlines the planned activities and measurable outcomes against the functions and responsibilities of the Seacare Authority and Australian Maritime Safety Authority under the Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993. Outcomes against the plan are reported in the Seacare Authority’s Annual Report.

Seacare Authority Annual Report 2021–22

The Seacare Authority considered and endorsed its Annual Report for 2021–22, noting that this will be tabled in Parliament in October 2022 and be available via the Transparency Portal and the Seacare Authority website following this.

Seacare scheme performance

The Seacare Authority considered the 2021–22 scheme performance against a suite of performance indicators — these outcomes show that there has been a reduction, over time, in the incidence rate of claims for compensation per 1000 full time equivalent employees. Members noted that the smaller scheme size and claim numbers impact on the volatility of scheme outcomes.

The Seacare Authority will consider its Seacare Scheme Data report for 2021–22 at its meeting of 24 November 2022 — the report will be published on the Seacare website following this.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Seacare Authority will be held on 24 November 2022.

Page last reviewed: 01 November 2022
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