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Key outcomes from the 7 March 2024 Seacare Authority meeting

9 April 2024

The Seacare Authority met in Canberra on 7 March 2024. The key outcomes of the meeting are set out below.

Seafarers Safety Net Fund (Fund) – Levy rate review

The Seacare Authority undertook a review of the Fund’s levy rate following the Government’s announcement through the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook to inject $900,000 into the Fund. The Seacare Authority agreed that no change should be made to the levy rate at this time.

The Levy rate will next be considered at the Seacare Authority’s June 2024 meeting.

Review of exemptions requirements and maximum durations

The Seacare Authority considered the current approach to the granting of exemptions, including the maximum duration an exemption will be granted for in line with its exemption guidelines (PDF, 165.5 KB), and agreed to maintain the current approach.

The exemption requirements and maximum durations will be considered again at the Seacare Authority’s November 2024 meeting, should there be further clarity on scheme reform.

Seacare Authority Mental Health Strategy

Following the changes to the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (WHS Regulations), which introduce new requirements on how employers must identify and manage hazards and risks to workers’ psychological health and safety (psychosocial factors), the Seacare Authority agreed that it was timely to revisit its Mental Health Strategy (PDF, 216.0 KB).

Members agreed to extend the timeframe of the strategy to reflect the ongoing nature of the strategy.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Seacare Authority will be held in Melbourne on 6 June 2024.

Page last reviewed: 09 April 2024
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Date printed 27 Jul 2024